Currency Calculator With React.js Course

1h course for beginner

Description of Currency calculator with React.js course

In this course, you can create your first application in React.js. We are building an application which will be able to convert the currency according to the newest rates.

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Currency calculator with React.js course details

How long will the Currency calculator with React.js course take?

This course is planned for 1h of work.

What is difficulty level of this course?

Currency calculator with React.js course difficulty level is beginner. We scale courses on a three-level scale. Beginner fits even total beginners. Mid is for people with some knowledge, and advanced level is for people who know the topic and have some coding skills.

What you will learn in Currency calculator with React.js course

Every Duomly’s course is designed
to give you the most important parts of the topic.

Create App.js structure

Create Input component

Create Select component

Get data

Display state data

Create Button component

Calculate the result

Prevent empty calculation

How you will learn during Currency calculator with React.js course

With Duomly you can learn from
various types of courses.

This course is the build-project one, what it means
you will learn by coding real-life project:

  • step by step explanation
  • coding environment
  • your working project
  • real-life experience
  • certificate of completion

Start learning with Currency calculator with React.js course now

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